I'm Jane Duncan Rogers

Author, Educator, Coach &

Scotland's Woman of Inspiration 2023

Want to experience more ease, joy and flow in your conscious business, AND your life?

Ugh! When it's all 'going wrong'...

and you're...

  • struggling to attract clients or customers

  • finding business a bit of a hassle

  • wishing it wasn't all as hard as it seems to be

it feels rubbish, doesn't it?
And what's the point of bringing your gifts to the world if it doesn't feel good?

That's when you're more likely to give up, to fantasise about escaping to a desert island, or just wonder why on earth you ever started this venture.

There IS an answer though...

...and it starts with how you are thinking

Ever heard of rich thinking? You might be tempted to think it's all about money; after all that's what most associate riches with.

But actually, it's much more than that. It's about abundant thoughts of all kinds, those that are supportive, kind, and useful.

What's more, you feel good when you think them. You are connected to your source and, often, feel inspired.

The opposite, poor thinking, is when your inner critic is having a field day, when you feel disconnected from source, and are feeling contracted and low in energy.

You might be blaming; or feeling a bit 'poor me', and wanting someone else to come along and save you from yourself.

I teach you to change your thoughts, so you change your life, and your business.

It sounds really simple, and if you're thinking 'oh I know about that, it's affirmations and all that jazz', then watch out! Is that a rich thought, one that serves you, or not? If you're not where you want to be, then there is a gap that can be filled!

Who is rich thinking for?

all conscious and/or spiritual business owners

who like to align their thoughts, feeling and actions - and only then take action

who want to create their business with ease, joy and flow

who want love to flow through their life and business

who like a dose of quirkiness, wackiness and doing things differently!

My published books

Available at your favourite bookshop or on Amazon

My current writing...

I am currently taking time out to experience 'doing nothing much'. It is quite a journey!

As I am going through a process of adjusting to working less, growing older, and wondering what kind of business/project is in the pipeline, there is lots of juicy stuff to write about!

Sign up to my free regular newsletter to stay in touch and keep inspired;

and also receive my free 1-page PDF,

the 7 Steps to Thinking Rich

About Me

“I want to know what makes people tick!”  

I remember walking down the path at the United World College of the Atlantic, South Wales, aged 16, and thinking this.

It's been my passion every since.  I didn't know then that I was about to have a massive spiritual awakening.

Nor did I know that a psychology degree, becoming head of the HR department in a leading London department store, and being personally trained with Louise L Hay, grandmother of the personal growth movement, would still not answer that question.

But many years and experiences on from that and I finally have some insight into it...


“Jane’s ability as a group leader, her understanding of her subject and her passion for it, make her courses a must for all small business owners or indeed anyone seeking to expand their vision and open to the universal flow of prosperity. It helped me make some difficult decisions which opened up space for some wonderful new opportunities.

Alexis Severis, Counsellor, UK

Jane has a passion for coming from a place of how we want to feel in order to attract in our desires, rather than wanting something and then waiting to achieve it to get the feeling. I found this mix to be really useful in moving forward my business

Sheela Masand, Spain

As Before I Go Solutions’
freelance Senior Facilitator and Head Trainer, I have worked closely with Jane for the past seven years. During this period, she has taught me the meaning of serving others with love, compassion, and practical support. I've benefitted from her extensive knowledge of coaching, counselling, and end-of-life planning and facilitation. She has inspired me to take a spiritual, or heart-centred, approach to my work and for that I – and my clients – are grateful."
Michael Williams, Ph.D., Senior Facilitator and Head Trainer, Before I Go Solutions.

In the meantime...

Get my FREE 1-page PDF '7 Steps to Thinking Rich'

and start making those changes you know need to be made


7 Steps to Thinking Rich

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