I'm Jane
Duncan Rogers
Writer, Educator, Coach &
Later Life Wisdom Woman
Interested in ageing consciously, creatively, and kindly?
Get my weekly Embracing Ageing newsletter HERE
When you wish this ageing thing wasn't happening at all...
and you're...
visiting resistance, resentment and regrets
finding it hard to look at your wrinkled body or face kindly, now it's not doing quite as well as before
wanting it to be different, while knowing that's not likely to happen
it feels rubbish, doesn't it?
On a bad day, you might be wondering if it's possible to continue having a good life, even while you are getting older
And the thought of being grateful for what's happening is miles away from the realm of possibilities!
...how you think about ageing positively or negatively affects your experience of it
Abundant thoughts of all kinds, those that are supportive, kind, and useful, are the ones that are most useful when it comes to ageing.
You feel good when you think them. You are connected to your Source and, often, feel inspired. Even regardless of circumstances.
But when your inner critic is having a field day, or when you feel disconnected from Source, you're likely to feel awful. You might be blaming; or feeling a bit 'poor me', and wanting someone else to come along and save you from yourself.
What I do helps you change your thoughts, so you change your life, and your experience of ageing.
It sounds really simple, and it IS simple. Join me on Substack for some inspiration on this subject.
Ageing consciously is for older people
who are still open to change
who like the idea of making peace with themselves even while their bodies are not quite as they used to be
who want to actively contribute to a later life for themselves that is full of joy/more joy!
who want love to flow unimpeded through their days, weeks, months and years
who like a dose of quirkiness, wackiness and thinking about things differently!
My published books
Available at your favourite bookshop or on Amazon
My current writing...
Is a newsletter on Substack, called
Embracing Ageing
You can read what I'm writing, and
sign up for free to receive weekly inspiration, plus other goodies
Just click on that link above and follow the options to join me and others in this adventure of ageing gratefully, graciously and with a great dollop of JOY along the way!
About Me
“I want to know what makes people tick!”
I remember walking down the path at the United World College of the Atlantic, South Wales, aged 16, and thinking this.
It's been my passion every since. I didn't know then that I was about to have a massive spiritual awakening.
Nor did I know that a psychology degree, becoming head of the HR department in a leading London department store, and being personally trained with Louise L Hay, grandmother of the personal growth movement, would still not answer that question.
But many years and experiences on from that and I finally have some insight into it...
“Gifted by Grief is a real, totally heartfelt and deeply moving human account of a married couple’s journey through cancer, the dying process, loss and grief, and recovery. This may sound sad and not an attractive read, but believe me, you will want to read every word. To anyone who seeks a deeper context and meaning to life and death, this book will open your heart and mind further”.”
Delcia McNeill, Artist, Healer, Counsellor UK
“ Jane has a passion for coming from a place of how we want to feel in order to attract in our desires, rather than wanting something and then waiting to achieve it to get the feeling. I found this mix to be really useful in moving forward my business”
Sheela Masand, Spain
I worked closely with Jane for seven years. During this period, she taught me the meaning of serving others with love, compassion, and practical support. I've benefitted from her extensive knowledge of coaching, counselling, and end-of-life planning and facilitation. She has inspired me to take a spiritual, or heart-centred, approach to my work and for that I – and my clients – are grateful."
Michael Williams, PhD, Canada. Storyteller and End of Life Plan Facilitator
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